Thursday, January 31, 2008

My .Net development ToolBox

When I start developing .Net applications some years ago, most of the open source projects available today were beta and can't be used in real world applications so we had to develop a custom framework with lot of functionalities available today. but today its more feasible to use existing open source projects and currently my .Net toolbox consists mainly of the following open source projects:

  • NHibernate for ORM and data persistence
  • Log4Net for logging
  • NUnit for unit testing
  • Spring.Net for orchestrating the above modules and I mostly use Spring.Net Nhibernate integration and declarative transactions
  • MyGeneration for code generation and any routine tasks that requires code generation


Amr Ellafy said...

thanks for sharing , I'm eager to use NHibernate but i always feel subsonic doing the job, would you recommend NHibernate over subsonic ? and why ?

My Vision said...

Hello Amr,I haven't used Subsonic before, but we go with NHibernate because most of our developers were of java background and we could use Hibernate and NHibernate in Java and .Net projects. technically NHiberante is a great product and we were using it since it was beta and we rarely face problems with it.

Amr Ellafy said...

thanks !
i need a favor, could you please write a code snippet on how to query with a simple WHERE clause in NHibernate ? I'm mainly a .NET developer but Groovy is a damn magnet and i may need to Hibernate soon !